1,288 research outputs found

    Effect of alloying elements on magnesium alloy damping capacities at room temperature

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    Alloying is a good approach to increasing its strength but leads to a reduction of damping to pure magnesium. Classifying the alloying characteristics of various alloying elements in magnesium alloys and their combined effects on the damping and mechanical properties of magnesium alloys is important. In this paper, the properties of the Mg-0.6wt%X binary alloys were analyzed through strength measurements and dynamic mechanical analysis. The effects of foreign atoms on solid-solution strengthening and dislocation damping were studied comprehensively. The effect of solid solubility on damping capacity can be considered from two perspectives: the effect of single solid-solution atoms on the damping capacities of the alloy, and the effect of solubility on the damping capacities of the alloy. The results provide significant information that is useful in developing high-strength, high-damping magnesium alloys. This study will provide scientific guidance regarding the development of new types of damping magnesium alloys

    Generation of attosecond electron bunches in a laser-plasma accelerator using a plasma density upramp

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    Attosecond electron bunches and attosecond radiation pulses enable the study of ultrafast dynamics of matter in an unprecedented regime. In this paper, the suitability for the experimental realization of a novel scheme producing sub-femtosecond duration electron bunches from laser-wakefield acceleration in plasma with self-injection in a plasma upramp profile has been investigated. While it has previously been predicted that this requires laser power above a few hundred terawatts typically, here we show that the scheme can be extended with reduced driving laser powers down to tens of terawatts, generating accelerated electron pulses with minimum length of around 166. attoseconds and picocoulombs charge. Using particle-in-cell simulations and theoretical models, the evolution of the accelerated electron bunch within the plasma as well as simple scalings of the bunch properties with initial laser and plasma parameters are presented

    How to guide a sustainable industrial economy: Emergy account for resources input of Chinese industry

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    AbstractEmergy analysis provides a feasible approach to evaluate the status and position of different energy carriers in the universal energy hierarchy. In this paper, an emergy-based method is conducted to measure the resources input of Chinese industry from 1997 to 2006. Resources inflows including fossil fuels, mineral resources, agricultural products, and other imported materials are accounted, based on which related indicators including resources intensity, industrial output, and environmental emissions are investigated. Results show a steady upward trend for the total resources input of Chinese industry during the past decade. The total resources input amounted to 1.53×1025 sej in 2006, of which non-renewable one accounted for 70.65% owing to the dominating input of fossil fuels and nonmetal minerals. Resources intensity measured by the ratio of resources input to industrial value added declined gradually during 1997–2002, but the rapid expansion of resource–intensive sub–sectors resulted in a reverse trend since 2003. The current resources use pattern of Chinese industry is characterized by increasing input of non-renewable resources, excessive expansion of resource–intensive production, and tremendous challenge from environmental pressure

    Technical note: concentration and composition of airborne aerobic bacteria inside an enclosed rabbit shed

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    [EN] Numerous studies have been conducted to analyse bacterial aerosols in animal houses, which is beneficial for the control of animal diseases. However, little information on aerosols in enclosed rabbit sheds was available. An FA-1 sampler was employed to collect air samples in an enclosed rabbit house in the Qingdao region of China. Concentration, composition, and aerodynamics of bacterial aerosols inside the enclosed rabbit shed were systematically analysed. The concentration of airborne bacteria inside the rabbit shed was 2.11-6.36×104 colony forming unit/m3 (CFU/m3). Seventeen species of bacteria belonging to eight genera were identified. Among these, there were 11 species belonging to 4 genera of gram-positive bacteria, and 6 species belonging to 4 genera of gram-negative bacteria. The dominant species of bacteria were, in descending order, Micrococcus luteus (49.4%), Staphylococcus epidermidis (25.5%), and Alcaligenes odorans (10.2%). A total of about 76.3% of airborne bacteria was distributed in stages C-F of the FA-1 sampler (that ranges from A to F), with aerodynamic radii <3.3 μm in diameter. These particulates could enter lower respiratory tracks and even alveoli, posing a potential threat to the health of both animals and breeders.This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81501357).Li, S.; Li, M.; Mu, T.; Miao, Z. (2016). Technical note: concentration and composition of airborne aerobic bacteria inside an enclosed rabbit shed. World Rabbit Science. 24(1):71-75. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2016.4170SWORD7175241Simpson, J. C., Niven, R. M., Pickering, C. A., Fletcher, A. M., Oldham, L. A., & Francis, H. M. (1998). Prevalence and predictors of work related respiratory symptoms in workers exposed to organic dusts. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 55(10), 668-672. doi:10.1136/oem.55.10.66

    Crystal Structure, Infrared Spectra, and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Temperature-Stable Zircon-Type (Y,Bi)VO<inf>4</inf> Solid-Solution Ceramics

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    A series of (Bi 1-x Y x )VO 4 (0.4 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) ceramics were synthesized using the traditional solid-state reaction method. In the composition range of 0.4 ≤ x ≤ 1.0, a zircon-type solid solution was formed between 900 and 1550 °C. Combined with our previous work (scheelite monoclinic and zircon-type phases coexist in the range of x < 0.40), a pseudobinary phase diagram of BiVO 4 -YVO 4 is presented. As x decreased from 1.0 to 0.40, the microwave permittivity (ϵ r ) of (Bi 1-x Y x )VO 4 ceramics increased linearly from 11.03 to 30.9, coincident with an increase in the temperature coefficient of resonant frequency (TCF) from -61.3 to +103 ppm/°C. Excellent microwave dielectric properties were obtained for (Bi 0.3 Y 0.7 )VO 4 sintered at 1025 °C and (Bi 0.2 Y 0.8 )VO 4 sintered at 1075 °C with ϵ r ∼ 19.35, microwave quality factor (Qf) ∼ 25 760 GHz, and TCF ∼ +17.8 ppm/°C and ϵ r ∼ 16.3, Qf ∼ 31 100 GHz, and TCF ∼ -11.9 ppm/°C, respectively. Raman spectra, Shannon's additive rule, a classical oscillator model, and far-infrared spectra were employed to study the structure-property relations in detail. All evidence supported the premise that Bi-based vibrations dominate the dielectric permittivity in the microwave region

    The topological AC effect on noncommutative phase space

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    The Aharonov-Casher (AC) effect in non-commutative(NC) quantum mechanics is studied. Instead of using the star product method, we use a generalization of Bopp's shift method. After solving the Dirac equations both on noncommutative space and noncommutative phase space by the new method, we obtain the corrections to AC phase on NC space and NC phase space respectively.Comment: 8 pages, Latex fil

    Calculation of the γ-TiAl Lattice Resistance

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    The dislocation width and lattice resistance (Peierls stress) of a γ-TiAl alloy are calculated by the density ratio method. The lattice resistance is shown to decrease with the dislocation width. The relationship between the Peierls stress and dislocation width variation is defined by theoretical derivation. The yield stress is negatively correlated with the shear stress of the material. It can become a useful tool for choosing an appropriate shear stress under deformation.Методом отношения плотностей рассчитаны ширина дислокации и сопротивление решетки (напряжение Пайерлса). Результаты показывают, что сопротивление решетки уменьшается с увеличением ширины дислокации. Путем расчета получена зависимость между напряжением Пайерлса и дислокационным упрочнением, свидетельствующая о том, что предел текучести отрицательно коррелирует с напряжением сдвига материала. Поэтому она может дать полезную информацию для выбора соответствующего напряжения сдвига в процессе растяжения.Методом відносини щільностей розраховані ширина дислокації і опір решітки (напруження Пайерлса). Результати показують, що опір решітки зменшується зі збільшенням ширини дислокації. Шляхом розрахунку отримана залежність між напруженням Пайерлса і дислокаційним зміцненням, яка свідчить про те, що межа плинності негативно корелює з напруженням зсуву матеріалу. Тому вона може дати корисну інформацію для вибору відповідного напруження зсуву в процесі розтягування

    Respuestas del δ13C foliar y características foliares a la precipitación y temperatura en un ecosistema árido del noroeste de China

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    El δ13C foliar es ampliamente usado para explicar estrategias relacionadas con la disponibilidad de recursos en diferentes ambientes. Sin embargo, la respuesta conjunta del δ13C foliar a la precipitación y temperatura así como la relación entre el δ13C foliar y las características foliares no están claras. El δ13C foliar y su relación con las características foliares [tamaño de hoja (LS), longitud foliar (LL), ancho foliar (LW), relación entre la longitud y el ancho foliar (L:W), área foliar específica (SLA) y concentración de N foliar (en una base de peso seco) (Nmass)] fueron investigadas en la especie de arbusto dominante Nitraria tangutorum Bobr en la región árida (Dengkou y Minqin) del noroeste de China. El estudio se efectuó bajo condiciones de varias cantidades de precipitación simuladas (PGS) y temperaturas ambientales (TGS) en las estaciones de crecimiento de 2008, 2009 y 2010. Los resultados mostraron que LS, LW, LL, SLA y Nmass se incrementaron significativamente cuando las cantidades de PGS se incrementaron, pero hubo tendencias de reducción en dichas características cuando las TGS aumentaron. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las relaciones negativas entre las características foliares y las TGS no fueron obvias en Minqin. En ambos sitios, L:W se incrementó cuando las PGS y TGS aumentaron. Hubo un cambio en la relación negativa entre el δ13C foliar-PGS a través de Minqin y Dengkou, lo cual condujo a la falta de efectos de la precipitación en el δ13C foliar a través de ambos sitios, y mayor δ13C foliar a menor precipitación en Minqin. A través de Minqin y Dengkou, PGS solo pudo explicar un 14% de la variación en el δ13C foliar. La combinación de PGS y TGS pudo explicar un 64% de la variación en el δ13C foliar. Las características foliares (LW y L:W) mejoraron aún más la estimación del δ13C foliar. Las combinaciones de PGS, TGS, LW y L:W pudieron explicar un 84% de la variación en el δ13C foliar. Nuestro estudio demostró la importancia de las características foliares en explorar las respuestas del δ13C foliar a cambios globales en ecosistemas áridos.Leaf δ13C is widely used to explain plant strategies related to resource availability in different environments. To understand the coupled response of leaf δ13C to precipitation, temperature and the relationship between leaf δ13C and leaf traits in arid ecosystems, the leaf δ13C and leaf traits (leaf size (LS), leaf length (LL), leaf width (LW), leaf length to width ratio (L:W), specific leaf area (SLA) and mass-based leaf nitrogen concentration (Nmass)) of Nitraria tangutorum Bobr. under simulated increasing precipitation (PGS) and ambient temperature (TGS) in plant growing season from 2008 to 2010 and the relationships between leaf δ13C and leaf traits were investigated in the arid region (Dengkou and Minqin) of northwestern China. Our results showed that LS, LW, LL, SLA and Nmass significantly increased with increasing PGS, but had downward tendencies with increasing TGS although the majority of the negative relationships between leaf traits and TGS were not obvious in Minqin. At the two study sites, L:W increased simultaneously with increasing PGS and TGS. There was a shift in the negative leaf δ13C-PGS relationship across Minqin and Dengkou, which conduce to the lacking effect of precipitation on leaf δ13C across the two sites and higher leaf δ13C in lower precipitation fields in Minqin. Across Minqin and Dengkou, PGS could only explain 14% of the variation in leaf δ13C. The combinations of PGS and TGS could explain 64% of the variation in leaf δ13C. Leaf traits (LW and L:W) could be used to further improve the estimation of leaf δ13C. The combinations of PGS, TGS, LW and L:W could explain 84 % of the variation in leaf δ13C. Our study demonstrated the importance of leaf traits in exploring the responses of leaf δ13C to global changes in arid ecosystems.Fil: Xin, Z.M.. Chinese Academy of Forestry. Institute of Desertification Studies; China. Chinese Academy of Forestry. Experimental Center of Desert Forestry; ChinaFil: Liu, M.H.. Chinese Academy of Forestry. Experimental Center of Desert Forestry; ChinaFil: Lu, Q.. Chinese Academy of Forestry. Institute of Desertification Studies; China. State Forestry Administration. Kumtag Desert Ecosystem Research Station; ChinaFil: Busso, Carlos Alberto. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; Argentina. State Forestry Administration. Kumtag Desert Ecosystem Research Station; ChinaFil: Zhu, Y.J.. State Forestry Administration. Kumtag Desert Ecosystem Research Station; China. Chinese Academy of Forestry. Institute of Desertification Studies; ChinaFil: Li, Z.. Chinese Academy of Forestry. Experimental Center of Desert Forestry; ChinaFil: Huang, Y.R.. Chinese Academy of Forestry. Experimental Center of Desert Forestry; ChinaFil: Li, X.L.. Chinese Academy of Forestry. Experimental Center of Desert Forestry; ChinaFil: Luo, F.M.. Chinese Academy of Forestry. Experimental Center of Desert Forestry; ChinaFil: Bao, F.. Chinese Academy of Forestry. Institute of Desertification Studies; ChinaFil: Qian, J.Q.. Henan Agricultural University. College of Forestry; ChinaFil: Li, Y.H.. Chinese Academy of Forestry. Institute of Desertification Studies; China. State Forestry Administration. Kumtag Desert Ecosystem Research Station; Chin


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    This issue of the journal contains papers selected from contributions, presented during the Second Global Annual Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE2013), which was held in Xianning, Hubei, China, November 20–22, 2013